So many people have accused me of of being dull that I guess I now have to accept the fact that I am indeed dull. I find things interesting that "normal people" are bored to tears by, even Mrs Dave came to the conclusion she married a dullard and only tolerates me because I spend most of my life out of her way being dull in some workshop or other.
I just recently joined a facebook group called the Dull men's Motorcycle Club - it's fantastic, lots of people as dull as I am talking about all sorts of dull things, there's always a dull moment on there.
Anyway, somebody completely ruined the atmos today by talking about something quite interesting, I think he has been expelled now but it got me thinking - sometimes something can appear dull until you know the story behind it. Sometimes the story may be just as dull but sometimes, just sometimes a good story turns a dull object in to something a lot more.
All of this leads me to the actual point of this diatribe, so let me get to the meat of the matter. Many of you will know I do a lot with one Malcolm Leggate, all round good bloke and ex mini racer, also Father of one Fiona Leggate, BTCC driving legend and also an all round good egg. Anyway, i was working on my hot rod the other day and found out that my measurements were off when I set up the driver controls, when I was at a comfortable distance for the pedals the steering wheel was a couple of inches too far away. I worked out that the best way to fix it was to get a more dished steering wheel and make a spacer if it was still not far enough back. I explained this to Malc when I was fannying about in his workshop the other day. To my surprise he handed me a steering wheel that would be absolutely perfect for the job - a pukka OMP racing item. Nothing particularly exciting about that I hear you say and I would agree but then Malc told me where it had come from. This was one of 3 steering wheels that came with his ex Didier Auriol Lancia Delta Integrale group a rally car - the very car that won the 1000 lakes rally back in 1992.
Now maybe I am being a bit over romantic here, I have no proof that Didier ever used this particular wheel, one of the other wheels has his name engraved on it - that one will be going back on the car shortly - I suspect that was the one he mainly used.
But to a dull man like me this thing is pure gold, something that to me has far more value than just a steering wheel. Even if it has never been on the car it was a surprising and very welcome gift, one that I am extremely grateful for and one that I will treasure. I shall most likely retell this story to anybody dull enough to care, if you know anybody that is dull or thinks they may be dull please share this with them.

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