Before I start this one, I need to explain something - the term Millyarding. Many of you will know of a guy called Allen Millyard, a truly remarkable man that has produced some incredible motorcycles over the years. He goes far above and beyond what most people would ever consider tackling and produces machines that are often better than those coming out of factories in terms of quality and engineering excellence. He is the one guy that just about every builder looks up to, many aspire to emulate his exploits but must of us mere mortals don't come anywhere close. So when I use the word Millyarding it is done with the utmost respect, it is not an insult as some have suggested in the past. Without Allen's incredible work and amazing videos I would never have plucked up the courage to attempt any of the projects I have done. I don't claim to have anything like his skill or ability, I have the utmost respect for the man and his achievements, he is definitely number 1 on the list of people I would most like to meet.
Anyway, I have been Millyarding myself this week, firstly with the tank strap and then yesterday when I made a set of 4 bungs to stop detritus getting in to the carbs, which are open to the elements and have no filters or air boxes to impede air flow or indeed stop shite getting in to the engine. It's typical of race carbs, although sometimes coarse mesh filters are fitted, maximum air flow is considered more important than longevity of the engine.
I found a length of ally bar in my metal stash, no idea where it came from, it had been in there for years and was perfect for the task. My 1953 ex fire brigade Henry Milnes lathe was the perfect machine to turn the plugs up with, a very simple turning job made a bit more difficult because I couldn't find my parting off tool. When I tried to use my bandsaw the cheap ebay blade showed why it was cheap and kept jamming. I had to go in to Millyard mode and use my hacksaw - if it's good enough for Allen to cut up a KH engine, it's good enough for me to cut through a 2 inch ally bar.
I wanted them to look like the ones I have seen in original footage, they are simple affairs, joined together with some chain that happens to look almost exactly like the chain for the light switch in our bathroom, hmmmm. Tapped 6mm holes allow for nuts and bolts to be used to secure the chain to each plug. No nuts are used on the carb side due to the danger of one coming loose and falling in to the carb and me not noticing it - that would spoil a day.
So, as Allen would say, they came out perfect, I'm well pleased with them, they are all a perfect fit and they all look the same and very original. I just need to find my letter and number stamps now, Allen always numbers things and puts his initials on them, the bike is a tribute to Honda, that little touch will be my tribute to Allen.
In other news I think a Honda CG125 front mudguard will fit perfectly and look just like the original. A couple of small brackets will have to be removed but a stainless steel item can be purchased for just over a tenner, a bit of modifying to make it perfect seems very minor.

They came out just perfect, I'm well pleased with them.
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