Dave's Mechanical Marvels Blog Page

Samdo Universal Speedo - Rover v8 hot rod

Before anybody says it I need to go straight to the elephant in the room, my engine is a v8, the Samdo is really meant for 4 cylinder 4 strokes but let's not worry about that right now, thee are far more important things to address.

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DIY Paddock Starter Petrol Version

Those of you that followed my paddock starter exploits may well be wondering how well it went, well the answer to that one is - pretty badly. After having burnt out yet another starter motor I came to the conclusion that none of the top race teams were going to be coming to me to purchase my dodgy solution and that perhaps a change of approach would be the best course of action.

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Honda RC163 - Footpeg Time

I modified the bracket to make it look a lot less chunky. I intend to make a solid aluminium footpeg to make it look more original, need to get the material first.

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Some Useful hints and tips for Restoring Motorcycles

I keep seeing a lot of folk on various forums that are attempting to restore or rebuild a motorbike for the first time and see the same easily avoided mistakes made repeatedly so thought it was time to do a bit about some of the pitfalls and how to avoid them.

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Honda RC163 Project - Painting the tank

I finally received the decals had been waiting for and applied them to the tank, I am very happy with them but wish sellers would keep their customers informed, I was sure they were not coming so ordered another set that I now don't need - all a bit annoying. Anyway, having learnt from my earlier experience I stayed with the Motip lacquer, I knew it didn't react with the paint I had used and that it went on nicely. It dried out in the sun, I am quite pleased with the results, it will look even better once it's flatted and polished, I will leave it at least a week to go fully hard before I do that.

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Making the tapered muffler

OK, calling it a muffler is pushing the truth, amplifier would be a better description. There are no baffles in these exhaust, this is how they were back in 1962 or whatever, just straight through pipes that produce an ear splitting exhaust note, it really has to be heard to be believed. Anyway, I had watched a video of Allen Millyard being a genius making the similar exhausts for his RC166 replica, he made it look so easy. Except it really isn't easy, it was an absolute bastard of a job. It may have been better to have done it in less than 35 degree heat but the fact is bending a steel sheet of that size requires a surprising amount of force and you have to do it without denting or scraping the metal, it's an absolute pig. I have to confess to not being 100 per cent happy with it but without having proper rollers to form the metal I have done my best with it. If I ever find some better ones I will replace them.

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Honda RC163 Replica The Plan

Now that I know the engine is good and that I am not wasting my time, I had a proper look at the bike to establish what needs doing and in what order. I have already sprayed the tank, made the carb plugs and the tank retaining strap, very happy with all that so far but there is still much to do.

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Honda Rc163 Replica - wouldn't start

With the tank just about done I wanted  to check the engine was still running ok - it wasn't. It just did not want to start at all so the carbs came off for a strip down and clean. I saw nothing in there to worry me but it was interesting to note that the  main jets had been changed from 105s to 125's and the idles were 38's, the idle screws were out 3 full turns from the usual 1.5. They had obviously been cleaned recently and were in very good order. I  it them back on but the bike still would not start, even with starter fluid and heating the plugs, it would pop very now and again but it simply would not start. My immediate thought was ignition but everything seemed to be in order, the extortionately expensive NGK plugs were new, it was driving me mad.

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Honda RC163 Welcome to my Nightmare

Research continues in to the fairing for my replica, I have a couple of interesting leads that might bring results but have also had quite a few dead ends, it's scary just how many bike and bike related businesses have gone under in the last few years. I found several fairing manufacturers that have gone, a couple of them local that would have been ideal. Oh well, like I said, I have a couple of possible leads, time is on my side, I will go to Newark on Sunday and hope I will find something there.

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