The wooden frame still attached, the bonnet is very floppy at this stage, mainly from where somebody has cut chunks out of it.

Still lots to do on the rear arches but it's starting to look a lot better now.
With the steel work just about done at the front of the car I set about rebuilding the fibre glass flip front, there is a lot to be done on it. My idea is to strengthen it - it wasn't very strong from new and somebody cut it up which made it worse - and then cut out the side vents and front vents so I can fit stainless steel mesh. This will help the cooling while giving the look that I want. I bought the mesh a couple of years back but it's taken until now to get to that stage. The wheel arches have been extended so they now meet much closer to the body, they will rest on ledges that are yet to be made and fitted.
It's looking quite good right now. still loads to be done but progress is clear, I tried the driver's door to make sure the shut line was right, some fettling will be required but it's close enough for now.
My sub woofer arrived the other day - a 10 inch Sony unit capable of handling peaks of 1500 Watts, that should do the trick. It will sit in the rear deck facing upwards, I have a Juice amp on order to power it. There is a fair bit of mid bass from the B and W Jaguar units, I think the bass port could do with being a bit bigger though, there is a hell of a rush of air that comes out of it when the bass kicks. I should be able to turn the bass down on the other 4 drivers once the sub is in place. I love messing about with audio, it fascinates me and it used to make me a good living, I used to repair and sell second hand hifi. Slight problem though, I went to install the side panel trims and they hit the top of the parcel shelf and the support bar where the upper seat belt mounts are fitted. I will have to trim them down, not sure what's the best method for cutting bakerlite, I know it contains formaldehyde, which is carcinogenic so I need to do some research before I get in to that.
I removed the parcel shelf ready to cut the rather large hole in it, I am going to need to strengthen it to reduce the flexing that the sub will cause, it weighs 4 kilos so the shelf is likely to sag anyway if I don't beef it up somewhat.
It's quite cool to have a few sort of sub projects, doing just wiring or just bodywork or just any one thing can get a bit tedious, I like to swap it up a bit, Tomorrow is a day off, Friday I intend to start fitting sound deadening foam to all the inner surfaces, it helps to reduce drumming and will give the car a quality feel when doors are slammed etc. Should keep some of the exhaust note down a bit too, it won't be quiet but it should keep it sensible. The carpet won't be going in until one of the last things, there are 100 other jobs to do before that.
I filled the hole in the roof left by the aerial, I am happy with that, I now need to drill another hole at the back and feed the wires through. It is a powered device suitable for FM and DAB so it has the signal wire as well as a positive and negative feed.
I need to get some 5 or 6 mm steel bar to stiffen up the bonnet, it's being held in the right place by a wooden frame at the moment, I have purchased a large tub of fibre glass bridging compound to stick the bar to the bonnet, it should work out really strong and rigid.
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