I'm still trying to work out exactly how this one came about, it just sort of happened. There was this spare Fiesta lying about making the place look untidy and for some reason Malc decided it would be a jolly jape to turn it in to said M sport style sort of thing, road registered, available for any motoring event, car show or bah mitzvah. It's fairly standard mechanically speaking, it's been fully stripped out, race seats and harnesses put in, side windows are now perspex with sliding panels, great if we decide to turn it in to an ice cream cart. Many a 69 could be served through them, oops sorry, bit of a Gregg Wallace moment there. Anyway, back to the car. The body had to be cut about a fair bit Russ did all of that, in fact he did it twice. The first go didn't really allow enough travel for the wheels so he cut the arches back even further, there is loads now.
There will be stronger springs put on the back, Malc spoke to somebody that said he would send some but we haven't seen them yet. Russ sprayed the whole thing purple and Malc had some vinyl graphics made to finish the look, they were incredibly difficult to fix properly but we got there in the end, although they went on a bit different to the original plan. There are still quite a few stickers and things to be affixed but there is no hurry. I understand the plan is to get it to it's MoT soon and then do the rest as and when. I can't imagine things will stay standard in the engine department, a rolling road tune is definitely on the cards but it should be quite nippy as it is with half it's original weight to drag about.
I expect Josh will get some good use out of it, he really enjoyed the weekend rallying at Revesby Abbey and he's looking for ways of keeping his driving skills honed in the off season. He's not old enough for a licence so can't drive it on the road but somebody else can drive it to venues, he can then get a day's use out of it and if it still works at the end of that it can be driven home again. best check the fuel first though, don't want a repeat of getting stranded in the rain when I drove the Talbot home last time.
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