Honda RC163 Replica The Plan

Published on 10 August 2024 at 08:22

Now that I know the engine is good and that I am not wasting my time, I had a proper look at the bike to establish what needs doing and in what order. I have already sprayed the tank, made the carb plugs and the tank retaining strap, very happy with all that so far but there is still much to do.

Firstly the exhausts are wrong, it has a 4 in to 2 system, should be 4 in to 4. I need to make another two reverse cone megas and rework the headers so it's one downpipe per cylinder going in to one exhaust. I have never made a steel cone before so time will tell as to how that works out, fortunately I have the ones on the bike to copy and they are pretty straightforward design wise. I don't foresee any particular problems.

Next is the footpegs, the ones on there are simply horrible, I can't leave them on there and need to come up with something much better. Not sure what yet, I will have a good rummage through my boxes of bits and pieces and see what I can find, otherwise I shall have to go in to fabricate mode. Again, it's not a big deal and some decent pegs will look so much better, I will do them after the exhausts are fitted to make sure the two things don't try to live in the same piece of air. 

The fork seals need doing, don't know what size they are until I take them apart, another job that needs doing at the same time is the bottom part of the forks need painting black. Might as well do that while it's all in bits.

The temperature gauge doesn't work, will fit a new one and matching sensor.

I still have to find a fairing, hopefully one will turn up at Newark tomorrow.

I have a CG125 front mud guard on order, that will smarten the front up and make it look a lot more original.

I need to it stops to make sure the bars can't turn far enough so the clip ons hit the nicely repaired ally tank, it's very easily dented.

The tail piece needs a bit of finishing with some upholstery studs, it also need some bracketry to hold the front end of it down and form a retainer for the battery.

I have drained the ancient coolant out of it, new stuff should be here in a few days.

The carb inlet rubbers aren't the best, the spare ones that came with the bike are the wrong ones - they are straight and should have a slight bend in them, otherwise the carbs don't fit and the bowls would be at the wrong angle. Will get some new ones, although the carbs are ok I have already ordered a service kit, I am hoping I have the right sized jets in my extensive stash otherwise I will have to get those too.

That is about it, a pretty small list, not too many hours of work there, if I can get the fairing. My mate Robert Cooper is an exceptionally good sign writer and painter, I am hoping he can do any paintwork the fairing may need so all I will have to do is make up brackets and fit it.  

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