I got to the point on the interior where I had to stop and sort out the heater pipes and vents - if your car has a windscreen it is an IVA requirement to have a demisting device. I had purchased mine some time ago - a complete heater out of a classic mini. It was another Stickney autojumble purchase, 20 of yer finest British pounds was all that cost, it has sat under my bench for the last year or more waiting for me to get to the job. It's as simple as it gets, just a single speed fan a switch to select where the heat goes to and that's about it. It was plumbed in to the engine's coolant circuit but I had to make the ducts to get the air up to the screen. Another car boot find - a pair of vents believed to be from either a mini or Morris Minor did the trick beautifully, a pipe off a vacuum cleaner connected the heater outlets to the screen vents. I had to make a new panel for the top of the dash, which incorporated a number of holes to help distribute the hot air to the screen. The test requirements do not specify any performance criteria, they just say it has to effectively demist, I believe my set up will work splendidly. It was a fair bit of work but the solution meets the requirements, looks ok and cost hardly anything to do.
I am now pretty much there with the engineering side of things, the next job is to get the doors off and repair the bottoms, which are all rusted to the point of being useless. Not looking forward to this bit, it's outside of my comfort level but it has to be done. While the doors are off they will get the electric window mechanisms fitted, some cunning planning will be required to get them installed correctly. I also have the rest of the dash panels to do, now the dash top is done I can get on with that, all the interior then needs is carpet, roof panel, roof liner, window trims, window guide rubbers, door seals and a few other bits. Bloody hell, this is endless!!!

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