I don't have many regrets in life, the biggest one was probably not buying bitcoin back in 2018 when they could be had for 250 quid a pop. I kind of wish I had bought the Lotus Cortina I was offered back in 1982 for 350 quid. I definitely wish I had said sod the business and gone to Silverstone this weekend to watch the season opener for the BRSCC fiesta juniors.
My mate Malcolm's grandson Joshua Watts was there for his first proper race meet, he had done one last year but it was marred with race stopping accidents and some pretty poor driving from some of the other youngsters. As the name suggests, the series is aimed at the younger drivers - they are all aged between 14 and 17, the results are very much down to the drivers, although two different models of Fiesta are allowed.
Qualifying was on the Friday and there was one race on Saturday and another on Sunday, being a season opener there were no points awarded towards the championship tally, although there was a single award for the most successful driver of the weekend.
Quali went well and Josh came in a very highly respectful 9th, right in the middle of the pack. There was a mix of experienced and rookie drivers, 9th was definitely a good result but what really matters is the race itself.
It couldn't have got a lot better really, he ended up 6th and third in class for the Saturday race. I watched it from home in between fixing the Jag and doing a shed load of other jobs that seem to have been building up recently. He drove an absolutely fantastic race from what I saw, sadly the director kept panning away, they are only interested in the top five unless somebody further back has the decency to crash and make things more interesting for the paying public. I thought he drove a very mature and professional race, he made some good passes, always looked in control and made the best of his starting position.
His 6th place finish meant that he was in 6th place on the grid for Sunday's wet race, I was rather pleased when I woke up to a wet and dismal morning as I know he is really good in the wet. He didn't disappoint and from 6th ended up 5th until somebody got disqualified and Josh got promoted to 4th. Just think about that - 4th in his first full race weekend, that has to be impressive in anybody's book, it certainly gave reason for the commentator to state that Josh is definitely one to watch for the future. The three podium finishers are all older and more experienced, the lad that won - Jacob Hodgkiss - is one of the older lads, he came second in his full year of racing last year, the second place lad was Alfie Garford who has been British karting champion twice so Josh was up against much more experienced racers, it was a proper test for him. There were a couple of scary moments but his car control was incredible, it was exciting and entertaining, just what you want to see from a race.
Of course everybody was absolutely delighted, his Mum Fiona is understandably very proud, she is a highly competent racer herself so knows quality when she sees it, she has supported him from the outset and been a guide, trainer, taxi driver and Mum throughout. Of course all Mums are proud of their kids but she must be absolutely bursting right now. Granddad Malc phoned me when he got home, he was the proudest Granddad ever, normally a significant amount of alcohol and / or prescription medication would be required to get him that excited. Malc and Fiona both raced in BTCC, Fiona still holds a couple of records to this day - the first being the highest placed lady driver with a 5th at this very same track, she was also in the Guinness book of records 2004 for the most races in 24 hours. She was also the first to run a car on bio ethanol, the development of which has been vital in preserving dwindling global fossil fuel stocks. She was properly quick then and still is now when she gets behind the wheel of one of the family's car collection. His dad, Danny can't be called a slouch either with more wins in more classes than I have had hot dinners. That's quite some legacy to continue but it he carries on as he has begun he should make a great name for himself.
So well done to everybody involved - 2010 racing, the trainers, BRSCC, the video production team and, of course, Josh himself. Very well done, Josh, I look forward to seeing your career progress, you are a fine young man and one hell of a driver.
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