Just a quick post today, been a long one working on the Mini and other stuff. On Sunday Malc wanted his Mk 1 RS2000 and Broadspeed Anglia moving, I had seen the RS before but the Anglia had been tucked away due to a gearbox fault so it was nice to see it in the daylight for the first time.
the rs is a lovely bit of kit - full rally spec and it's a genuine RS car, not some bodged up replica. It was in a sorry state but miracles were worked and it's really lovely now, I love the livery. We did try to fire it up but with a sump full of Castrol R and the temperatures being rather low she didn't want to turn fast enough to fire. we had the same problem with the Anglia and much pushing and shoving was required.
the Broadspeed is a work of art, it's actually not much Anglia other than a few body panels. The suspension is all Lotus hanging off a spaceframe chassis, it's a serious bit of kit. The engine is a twin cam Fiat unit breathing through some mahoosive twin side draught Del'Orto's. The front is a fibre glass flip unit, it's all painted in the original Broadspeed maroon racing colours.
No doubt we will get them started in the Spring, we have a fair bit to do between now and then but hopefully one or other of them will get out to a show or two.

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