So yesterday was the Mablethorpe and District Motor Club's first grand Motorbilia day, I think it's fair to say that overall the day was a massive success. I don't know yet how many people turned up or if the event made the club any money but it was a fantastic turn out of vehicles.
Sadly I have to admit that I feel totally crushed as only a dozen bikes turned up, I had been expecting hundreds and had promised that to the rest of the organising committee. What happened was an old biker called Pete that is ending his days in a care home had expressed a desire for a ride by, the success of that could not be imagined as estimates reckon there were 4,000 bikes attended. Obviously that is brilliant for Pete, I really am very happy for him, it's testament to what a great bunch bikers are that so many attended.
Oh well, these things can't be helped, could have done without some of the snide comments though, I put a lot in to trying to make it a success from a biking point of view and sponsored trophies that I could really ill afford following our burglary. These things are always a gamble as you never know what the weather will do or what other events will be on. I still think the day overall was terrific, some amazing cars there and a great atmosphere.
Barry Lee, the man with over 1400 race wins to his name and author of the book "The Other Side of Winning" gave out the trophies, he did a brilliant job. I was delighted that Malc Leggate was recognised for his contribution, he provided the Metro 6r4 rally car - a ride in which was first prize, he also donated a couple of other valuable raffle prizes. It was he who got Barry there and spoke to many businesses that also offered raffle prizes and took up trade stands. He took about half a dozen cars there that pulled in crowds as well, Russell worked like a Trojan to make sure the cars were all there, that bloke is worth his weight in gold. I really am very proud to be able to call those two friends.
We had a jumble stall there and as usual I spent far more than I took, my Mrs is starting to see through my plan so next time I promise not to buy any more parts that may somehow coincidentally fit either my Mini or my hot rod and actually focus on selling some bike parts. Honest. Ps Anybody looking for a nice pair of dellorto DHLA40's? I might just have what you are looking for......

Malcolm Leggate receiving his award for all he did for the event, that's Barry Lee on his left.
I sponsored a couple of awards through my business - Boston Bike Bits - one was for Judge's choice standard bike and the other for Judge's choice custom bike, Barry announced the winners. The best standard was a really sweet BSA C15. It had been well restored but not over done. It was next to a very nice RD250LC but as that had expansions on it I couldn't call it standard, beautiful though it was. The Custom went to a nice Harley, again very pretty but not over done, it just looked and felt right so it got the prize. Many thanks to those that brought their bikes, it was much appreciated.

The two prize winning bikes, that's my chopper hiding behind them, He's a bit embarrassed.
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