We had loaded up the car the day before so we could set of for the 90 odd mile journey to Silverstone without any early morning messing about. The drive down was without incident, the man on the gate correctly concluded that as we had a BTCC car on the trailer we were probably associated with the event in some way and waved us through. We made our way to the old pits - pit 12e was the one we needed, Jason Hughes of Kartworld fame was waiting there for us. Loading the car had been an absolute faf due to it being incredibly low to the ground, it's bottom kept wanting to make intimate contact with the bed of the truck and the spoiler kept wanting to rip itself off on the tarmac. Malcolm had explained that he would rather like the car back in one piece so we thought we had better be careful with it. We had taken various bits of wood with us and by putting in to practice what we learnt the day before we had the car in the pit building within 10 minutes of arriving. Also in the pit was Jason Plato's BTCC Astra coupe that dominated in the early 2000's and a rather tasty looking BMW m series monster.
After a bit of banter and a quick reminder from Jason that the car wasn't mine to sell (I thought it was worth a try) we went and watched a bit of racing for a few minutes. Having access to the pits meant we could stand on the pit wall and watch the action from as close as it's possible to be. I have to say it was very bad driving, I'm sure they were breaking the 70 MPH national speed limit by a significant margin. I don't think their exhausts were up to MoT specs either, very naughty.
Sadly the heavens opened at this point so we headed for the drier environment of the pit stop cafe. We were soaked by the time we got there so a hot coffee was very welcome. As we knew we were coming back on the Sunday we made our excuses and left. We will be there most of the day on Sunday and should see some excellent racing. I have done some video but need to edit it, I need to learn how to use the software first so it may take some time. In the mean time here is Fiona's car looking rather splendid in it's natural habitat.

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