This is another one that I didn't really want to buy at the time but if I hadn't bought it then the opportunity would have passed. This belonged to a really top geezer called Vic Woods - a through and through biker, all round good bloke and member of the Army Veterans Motorcycle Club. He had a bit of a problem that for family reasons he had to go to Germany and so needed to dispose of most of his worldly possessions - one of which was this Kawasaki GPZ1100 based chop. He didn't really know that much about the bike, he had bought it some time back and was turning in to more of a mile muncher, he had bought quite a few parts from me to make it how he wanted it. In fairness he had done a pretty good job of it too.

I had a slightly different vision for it and so set about making it my own, like you do. It's a very unusual plunger frame and much discussion was had about who may have made it, one local chop builder, Grub, thought it may have been an Amen Saviour -- the gussets near the rear wheel spindle certainly indicated that may have been the case. The question was finally answered in March 2022's edition of Back Street Heroes when a very similar bike was featured. That one had an identical plunger set up, the owner had commissioned it by no less than John Reed back in the 80's. Yup, that John Reed, he of Uncle Bunt fame. Legend has it that back in the day Bunt offered a plunger conversion for hard tail frames and this is one of them. I still have no idea who built the frame itself.
This thing is loud with a capital l - I live in the middle of nowhere so I get away with it but I can't imagine it being a suitable daily driver for anybody that goes off to work at 5 am. I think the neighbours would get emotional pretty quickly.

i have plans for this, the log book says it's orange, I think I should take it back to that, black's ok but I have had so many black bikes it's getting a bit samey. All my Boston Bike Bits apparel and logos are in orange so it makes sense to follow that theme. I may do it the same colour as my trike. I will update you all as and when anything happens.
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